Sussex based services
We Provide a wide range of planning services
Pre-application advice and engagement with the local planning authority
Obtaining initial advice on a development proposal can save considerable time and money. DJM Town Planning provides clients with preliminary reviews of land and premises so that they can evaluate if it is worth pursuing a development proposal. Thereafter, we work with clients’ chosen architects to prepare initial designs and feasibility, presenting proposals to local authority Planning Officers at a pre-application enquiry meeting. From this the client gains valuable feedback, helping them make the decision to commit to the planning application process.
Submission of planning applications
Submitting a planning application has become a costly and time-consuming business. By working closely with clients and other specialist consultants we project manage each application, creating the project team most suitable for the clients’ needs. We have established working relationships with architects and architectural technologists, and experts in disciplines including drainage, ecologist, trees, landscape architecture and transport.
We prepare Planning, Design & Access Statements and Planning & Heritage Statements to support applications. Once the application is submitted, we work closely with Planning Officers and other stakeholders, achieving a consistently high rate of success for our clients.
Once permission is granted, we offer a full service to discharge planning conditions so that your project is ready to build. We also recommend surveyors and architectural technologists to assist you with Building Regulations.
Planning appeals
Planning appeals are made to the Secretary of State when planning permission is refused for a development. It is also possible to appeal against planning conditions and enforcement notices. DJM Town Planning has had great success winning appeals for clients, from house extensions for homeowners to lifting onerous conditions placed on a thriving business.
We provide a full appeals service, writing a detailed Grounds of Appeal statement, submission of appeals to the Planning Inspectorate, and attendance at Inspector site visits.
Site development appraisals
Analysing the constraints and opportunities of a site from a town planning perspective is an important aspect of understanding the viability and profitability of a development project. This service is useful for both existing land owners and potential purchasers. DJM Town Planning provides advice to clients on the likelihood of planning permission being secured on sites, enabling them to make informed decisions and maximise the value of their existing portfolio.
Permitted development advice
The ever expanding and increasingly complex area of ‘permitted development rights’ and ‘prior approvals’ can be perplexing area of planning control. We cut through the jargon to explain to clients exactly what they can and can’t do without planning permission.
Permitted development advice
The ever expanding and increasingly complex area of ‘permitted development rights’ and ‘prior approvals’ can be perplexing area of planning control. We cut through the jargon to explain to clients exactly what they can and can’t do without planning permission.
Enforcement cases
Receiving a letter from a Council Planning Enforcement Officer concerning an alleged breach of planning control can be a stressful event. If this has happened to you, DJM Town Planning can help. We will represent you in meetings with Council Officers, and explain what options you have to contest the alleged breach. If a planning application is required, we can provide a full service, preparing the documents needed and submitting the application to the local planning authority.