Who we are
Our experience and expertise
DJM Town Planning is an independent, town planning consultancy providing a wide range of planning services to clients.
Whether you are a landowner looking to realise the development potential of your buildings and estate, a business entrepreneur looking to expand but not sure where to start, or a homeowner seeking that extension you’ve always dreamed of, we can help you.
With nearly twenty five years of town planning experience within the practice, we have a wealth of knowledge, expertise and a network of specialist consultants to help you achieve your development goals
Debbie Marriage BSc (Hons) MA MRTPI
Debbie Marriage is a Chartered Town Planner with nearly 30 years’ experience as a town planner. She has been a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute since 2007. Her career began in 1996 at Brighton & Hove City Council, after which she worked for local planning authorities in London, the Midlands, Yorkshire and Sussex. In 2006, she moved into private consultancy, working for companies specialising in the fields of leisure, mobile telecommunications and renewable energy.
Her career has given Debbie an in-depth and first hand understanding of the planning process, and many contacts within local planning authorities across Sussex and the South East.
In 2020 Debbie set up DJM Town Planning, and since then has built up a wide portfolio of clients, from homeowners to property developers and corporate clients, many of whom are return customers.
With her personable approach that puts you the client first, Debbie will provide you with a fast, professional service, whatever your town planning needs.